I had always intended on blogging more than just once a week but unfortunately things have been so busy, at home and at work, lately that I hardly have much of a choice. I have a back log of cute pictures that I want to make sure I get around to posting and a ton of cute/funny stories that I want to make sure I don't forget. Also, I've had an issue/situation weighing heavily on my mind lately. I'm not sure if I want to write about it or not. Some days I think it would be good to get it out and I practically have the entire post composed in my head and other days I think that I would just be opening up a can of worms and potentially making a bad situation even worse. We shall see.
Anywho, things have been good in casa de Phillips. It's hard to believe that tomorrow it will be just 2 weeks since Rach "took off the training wheels" and became a full-time walker. To watch her motor around the house, daycare, and everywhere in between you would think she'd been at it for much longer. Her balance and confidence levels are amazing! She is also fast! I think she really wants to run but still needs to master the mechanics of that. Really the only times that she falls now are when she starts moving her little legs and feet so fast that she trips herself up!
We had a really good last weekend and got to spend a lot of time together as a family. I left work early on Friday. Matt, Rach, and I spent the afternoon at Target, Sonic, and the gym before settling in at home that night. Saturday Matt didn't need to be at work until 4PM so we spent most of the day together. Rach and I went grocery shopping after Matt went to work. Sunday Rach and I went shopping at Lakeside and met up with my friend Jess for lunch at Panera and then went to Grandma and Grandpa's for a short visit.
The two pictures below are of Rach waiting with me outside Panera for Jess since we got there early. She is really just a happy, happy little girl! She is always full of smiles and laughter. And my usually shy Little Bear was actually saying "Hi" to people in the mall as they walked by us! For lunch, Rach and I shared a turkey sandwich and chicken noodle soup and I'm pretty sure that Rach ate more than Mommy did! We did not however share a smoothie, we each had our own. As I've mentioned before, Rachel loves fruit smoothies. I always make her a new batch of homemade smoothies every week, but she's also allowed to get one while we are out if it is a healthy one. Luckily Panera's are all natural and organic. During lunch Rach was a little chatter bug, only stopping to eat, smile, and laugh. (Also, as you can see, we do not go anywhere without Puppy.)

In other news, at daycare Rachel has officially been moved to the Toddler 1 room. (She started out in the Infant 1 room, then in September when she was 8 months old was moved to the Infant 2 room.) I'm not sure how long she will be in this room, some of the paperwork said approx. until 18 months old (she's already 15 months). My guess is that at the latest she will be in there until the end of August. The daycare's year runs like a school year and the "new" year starts in September. By then Rach would be almost 20 months old (yikes!) so really we are only talking about a difference of 2 months or so.
Matt and I are excited about this new room. The kids are all very close in age and ability levels (all are walking as opposed to her old room that had "little" 8 and 9 month olds in it). In the toddler rooms they also start having a curriculum that they follow every day/week. A few things they will be working on are shapes, colors, numbers, letters, and sign language. They also have a set schedule. All of the kids eat lunch and snack at the same time and nap at the same time. Overall, it just seems so much more organized and structured.
Unfortunately the change has been a little upsetting for Rach. Both this morning and yesterday morning when Matt had to drop her off in her new room for the first time Rach was upset and cried and did not want Daddy to leave. :( Luckily she did end up having a good day there yesterday. When I went to pick her up she was playing and smiling and everyone told me she was happy. I'm hoping to get the same report today!
Tomorrow afternoon we have to take Rach for her 15 month check up. We are expecting it to go well and to just have it reinforced that we have the world's most awesome child! I'll have to update later on how it goes and all her important stats.
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