Last weekend was a great weekend. Friday night Grandma and Grandpa came over to stay with Rachel so that Matt and I could go out. Now, other than work and to get my hair cut I hardly ever spend time away from Rach, and I can count on one hand the number of times that Matt and I have both left Rach and done something together (and I wouldn't even need all 5 fingers!). Back in October Matt and I went out to dinner for our 5 year Wedding Anniversary and then the following weekend we went away for two nights f0r a football game and Matt's birthday.
It's funny because even though October was only 3 months ago I felt like it was easier for me to have a good time last weekend (not easier to leave Rach, that was still hard). So Friday, Matt and I went to Charlie's surprise birthday party. We went, made an appearance, said hello to everyone, made sure to talk to Charlie but probably were there for less than 2 hours when we decided to sneak out and go to dinner instead just the two of us. Since we were already out in Rochester we decided to go to Bravo, one of my all time favorite restaurants! We used to go every year for my birthday and even for New Years Eve but we hadn't been in a few years and it was so nice to go again. The food was great and we were able to have good conversation/discussions just the two of us. It was a great night!
Saturday morning Rach woke up a good 45 minutes earlier than usual and when I went into her room I was met with the biggest smile I have ever seen! (I LOVE this little girl!!!) As soon as I picked her up she nestled her head on my shoulder and seemed pretty tired still so I brought her into bed with us and the three of us enjoyed some early morning cuddles. I told Matt that she woke up early because she just missed us since we were gone Friday night!
Saturday afternoon Rach and I went shopping. We went to Lakeside first. I still had a few Christmas gifts that needed to be returned so we took care of that and then just walked and browsed. I am convinced that Rach is a natural born shopper! She is just so good and so happy. She sits in her stroller so content and kicks her little feet and looks at everything and "talks" to me the whole time, so much fun! I did take her into the Disney store since she loves Mickey and she had a great time looking at all the fun stuff there. We did find a Minnie straw cup that I bought for her and she has already used it multiple times this week and smiles each time she sees it!
After Lakeside we went to Partridge Creek. Now I will admit this was not the ideal weather weekend to take Rach to Partridge Creek for the first time (it was bitter cold) but I did have her super bundled up, layers, coat, hat, mittens, blanket, ... and we weren't outside for too long. Rach was such a trooper and still happy while we looked at Nordstrom and Janie & Jack. We were looking for something for her to wear for her 1 year photos. I didn't find anything at Nordstrom but I did buy two sweaters at Janie & Jack, not sure if either is the one but we'll see.
Sunday was a nice lazy, cozy day. All three of us hung out at home until Matt had to go to work, then Rach and I hung out, I did some laundry and cleaning while she napped, and then we played some more. Just a really great weekend. This coming weekend we are taking Rach to get her 1 year photos taken as long as she remains relatively healthy (she still has a little bit of a runny nose and a lingering cough) but I am hopeful we can get them done and then hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa a bit.
Below is a picture of my loves last Thursday night. They were cuddling and fell asleep on the couch while I was cleaning up after dinner. I had to wake Rach up for her bath. That's Rach's puppy with her, her very best friend. These are my two favorite people in the world. I love them so very much!
I love this photo