Saturday Grandma and I took Rach to have her 1 year photos taken. I am so bummed to say that this was a bit of a disappointment. We took her to JCP just like for her 6 months photos (& those turned out ADORABLE!!) but we had a different photographer who wasn't really great. Add to that that Rach is getting to that perfect age where the stranger/separation anxiety rears its ugly head and we were in for a not so fun time. My usually happy, smiley girl was super serious and super shy! For the most part she did not want to sit by herself (even holding her bff puppy), instead she wanted to crawl back to Mama and sit in my lap. We only got 1 or 2 decent photos but I just felt like I was torturing her since she was visibly not happy and told the photographer we could just stop trying. Oh well, it's not the end of the world. Matt and I take tons of pictures of her at home and you never know, by the time we go back in 6 months for her 18 month photos she might be back to her happy little self around strangers again!
After the photos we spent some time with Grandma and Grandpa and Rachel was back to her usual self, laughing and smiling and talking up a storm. After hanging out there Rachel and I went grocery shopping. Here's a pic of my sweet little shopper helping me out. She's holding the sub buns to make sandwiches.
The rest of Saturday night and Sunday were pretty relaxing. Rach and I hung out, played, and cuddled until it was time for her to go to bed Saturday. Then Sunday before Matt went to work we hung out, played, and cuddled with Daddy. Sunday is usually my being productive day so I work on cleaning and laundry while Rach naps.
**A funny Rachel story**, Rach and I were playing in her room Sunday afternoon. Charlie was sitting out in the hallway watching us. Some of Rach's favorite things right now are opening and closing things and practicing her words. So...Rach goes over to her bedroom door, says "Bye!" to Charlie and closes the door. She smiles proudly to me. She then opens the door, says "Hi!" to Charlie and giggles to herself while Charlie wags her tail at Rach. She smiles proudly to me. She then says "Bye!" to Charlie and closes the door,.... and so on. This must have kept her entertained for almost a solid 5 minutes, silly girl!
So that was our weekend. Now we are just bracing for the possible blizzard/foot of snow we could be getting tonight/tomorrow. We'll see. If it really is as bad as they say Matt and I might get a freebie day home with our little bear tomorrow! We did buy her some snow pants and her first sled this week. We figure it we're going to get snow we might as well make the most out of it and enjoy it with Rach!
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