Monday, February 21, 2011

Just The Two Of Us...

Well, actually just the three of us when you count Charlie, but the Phillips Girls Only Week officially began Sunday morning, a day earlier than planned. Matt is out of town for work, down in Louisiana and Arkansas (yeehaw). He was originally scheduled to fly out this morning (Monday) but thanks to the snow storm we got yesterday and today he got a phone call from Delta on Saturday night telling him that his Monday AM flight was cancelled and that he now had to fly out Sunday AM instead.

Rach and I had a fun weekend though. We spent most of the day Saturday shopping with Grandma. Rachel is such a good shopper! She loves to look at everything and even had fun trying on a few pairs of shoes. Yesterday we did our usual Sunday routine of taking it easy, staying in jammies, cuddling, and playing, with a little bit of cleaning and laundry tossed in for Mommy while Rach napped.

Rach isn't feeling 100%. We are still fighting the butt rash and she seems to have come down with a little cold as well. Her rash always starts out looking pretty good in the morning and even through most of the day but by the evening after a few poopy diapers its back to being irritated. Her nose is also pretty congested and I have to keep kleenex close by knowing that anytime she sneezing I did one right away but all things considered she is still pretty happy.

Other Rachel stories: one night last week Rachel was eating dinner in her highchair next to our dining room table while Matt and I were also eating. She knocked/threw her sippy cup off her high chair tray and said "uh oh!"

Rach also loves to kick and throw things off of her changing table, her favorites being to kick off her noise machine and to throw off her seahorse. I'm not sure when it was but a few weeks ago when she would do this I started saying "boom" when they would fall, well wouldn't you know, Rach is quite amused by this and now when she is kicking and throwing them off she says "bbooo" (boom) her self!

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