Monday, February 7, 2011

More Things I Don't Want To Forget

  • In my last TIDWTF (Things I Don't Want To Forget) I mentioned the "go figure" Rachelism of not liking fruit but loving vegetables. Well here's another "go figure", Rachel does not like getting her face wiped/washed. She doesn't like it if she has sneezed, or her nose is running, or she just ate, or she is in the bath tub, she does not like it. However, our Rachel Bear loves brushing her teeth and having them brushed!

  • Rach and I have cuddle time every morning. I am the one to get Rach up in the morning most of the time since Matt works nights. Some mornings I have to wake her up and other mornings she is already wake and is waiting for me or lets me know she is up. Every morning I pick her (and puppy) up out of her crib and we go sit and cuddle in the glider for a few minutes before starting the day. Even on the mornings when Rach is wide awake and standing up in her crib waiting for me as soon as I pick her up and we sit in the glider she lays her head against my shoulder and snuggles into me, pure heaven!

  • Rach and I also have a night time routine. Most nights she gets a bath before bed. After her bath we put on her jammies and brush her teeth have a few minutes of quiet play time for her to wind down (this is because the bath it self is not relaxing, Rach loves the bath! She splashes up a storm and sometimes cries when I take her out!) After wind down time I put Rach in her sleep sack and then pick her up from her changing table. It's at this point that she knows is "Give Mommy a Good Night Kiss" time! I used to have to take her binky out and ask for one, but now she almost always just automatically leans in to give me a kiss, regardless of if she still has her binky or not! I love this girl!

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