Rachel Things I Do Not Want To Forget
- Our sweet little girl has really gotten better at standing. She has not figured out how to stand up on her own without pulling herself up yet but once she pulls up she is less hesitant to let go. Two of her favorite places to stand are 1) in front of the tv when Mickey is on and 2) in front of the full length mirror in my and Matt's room. In front of the tv she is mesmerized by Mickey and even tries to do the Hot Dog Dance! In front of the mirror she likes to stand and smile at the pretty baby girl in the reflection!
- For the most part Rach is a great eater. She loves anything dairy (which is great since she gets less milk now), yogurt and cheese are two of her favorites. She also likes pasta, meat, chicken, turkey, waffles, pancakes, cereal, vegetables, eggs, chocolate, mac & cheese, pretty much anything but fruit. Yes, I said it, right now our Little Bear does not like fruit. As you can see from the photographic evidence Rach has no problem with carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, but fruit, no thank you, go figure. I have had to resort to being "Sneaky Mommy" and hiding fruit to get it in her. I make her fruit and yogurt smoothies, blueberry waffles, organic fruit cereal bars, and give her the organic baby yogurt with fruit in it and so far so good. Luckily I understand this is most likely a phase ans as long as I keep giving her the fruit option she will one day decide that she does like it. (the other photo below is of my cutie drinking one of her smoothies!)
- Rach has a great vocabulary! Recently I was reading that the average 1 year old knows about 10 words. Well suffice it to say our Rach is well above average here. Not only is she great verbally in the words she will actually say, but the list of words that she knows in general is amazing! Rach can easily say: mama, dada, ba (grandpa), up, hi, bye, hey, yay, boo (boot)... Words that Rach knows: Charlie, doggy, puppy, mickey, minnie, basketball, ball, book, bear, bottle, milk, water, sippy, binky, kiss, hat, clap, wave,... I'm sure that there are more and that my mommy brain is failing me now as I try to remember them.
***Edit 2/7/11*** as of this weekend Rach has added a couple new words to her spoken vocab. She has been shaking her head "no" for a bit now but this past weekend started to say "no" as she shakes her head, only it comes out as "nay" (like yay or nay). If you try to get her to do something she does not want to do, like say wiping her face/nose she will shake her head no and say "nay, nay nay!" Also this weekend she started saying "baah" for bath, different than her "ba" for grandpa.
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